The J Butler Group

What to Expect When Purchasing

Benefits of Owning vs. Renting



Why Get a Home Inspection?

A home inspection performed by a licensed Texas Property Inspector provides you peace of mind that the home you are purchasing has been inspected thoroughly inside and out for any possible malfunctions or deficiencies. A home inspection report also provides a buyer the opportunity to request any repairs on the home prior to closing that may be of any concern or inconvenience to the buyer or buyers’ lender.

Types of Loans


Federal Housing Administration Loan


Home buyer loan made through a private lender. (Banks, Credit unions, or Mortgage Companies.)


Veterans Affair Loan


U.S. Department of Agriculture

Interest Rates

Subject to Change, contact us for the most up-to-date interest rates.

11/22/2024: Interest rate on a Fannie Mae 30-year fixed mortgage: 6.84%

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